This interactive workshop offers people of any gender an historical and political framework, common language, and will probe the reality and daily experiences of sexism, male privilege and internalized sexism. Both inter-personal and institutional sexism will be examined along with the interconnections between sexism and heterosexism.
Participants will identify relevant strategies and tools for interrupting sexism.
Sample Objectives
- To provide a framework and common language for genuine dialogue about sexism, male privilege, internalized misogyny and to create an environment which encourages such dialogue.
- To clarify the historical, political and social context for sexism and violence against women in the U. S.
- To probe the reality and daily experience of sexism, male privilege and internalized misogyny in U. S. America.
- To examine the interconnections of sexism, racism and heterosexism.
- To identify concrete examples of male privilege in the lives of boys and men.
- To identify concrete examples of male privilege / male supremacy within institutional structures and programs.
- To identify concrete examples of internalized sexism in the lives of girls and women.
- To identify concrete examples of internalized sexism within institutional structures and programs.
- To develop attitudes and tools for spending individual male privilege with integrity, and interrupting organizational male supremist policies.
- To develop attitudes and tools for interrupting internalized sexism – personally and organizationally.
- To offer individual participants opportunities to deepen their own awareness and understanding of sexism, and their commitment to gender justice.
- To develop specific leadership skills and relevant strategies for challenging sexism.
*Please, note that not all objectives may be met in shorter workshops.
One – two days, unlimited number of participants, open to all genders.
Both days are interactive and experiential.
A variety of teaching/learning modalities is used: small groups, fishbowls, interactive exercises, caucuses, lecture, graphics, music, poetry, and journaling.
Includes handouts and a personal journal.
The focus is on the personal impact of sexism, male privilege, internalized misogyny and the work of women and male allies.
This workshop equips women and men of conscience with information, tools and inspiration to become effective anti-sexist, agents of change.
Intended Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the Challenging Sexism workshop participants will:
- be familiar with language and a framework related to the historical, political and social realities of sexism in the United States.
- define sexism, male privilege, male supremacy, internalized sexism / misogyny.
identify examples of male privilege in the lives of men and boys. - identify examples of internalized sexism in the lives of girls and women.
- identify and nurture attitudes and actions of allies to interrupt sexism and reduce its recycling to future generations of girls and boys.
- have created a personal bond with one or several other participants with the potential for future collaboration.
- leave the workshop with a tangible plan of action for themselves in their organizational role.
Gender Justice Programs

Wonderful energy! jona has very specific concepts and ideas to continue growing in this field. Thank you for the validation of what we do and for being an avid supporter of critical thinking. She got us to think critically and practice skills we will and can use every day. Awesome!—“Addressing Attitudes of the Rape Culture” participant
How blessed we are to have these women with us, and what challenges they’ve given and awakened in us to be more purposeful and act with intent – and not with our heads in the sand.—RJ for state sexual assault coalition