Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of groups sponsor cultural bridges to justice (cbtj) programs?
We work with all kinds of non-profit, community, college, social justice, human service and emergency service organizations and agencies. We have listed several former and current sponsors under ABOUT US – Client List.  We can also provide references for particular programs if requested.

Do cultural bridges to justice presenters offer lectures or keynotes, as well as workshops?
Yes. Many of our trainers can create an engaging lecture or conference keynote to address your needs.

What programs do you offer? How do we choose a program?
In the PROGRAM pages you will find descriptions of topic areas and types of programs we offer. cbtj does not offer packaged or “cookie-cutter” programs. We will work with you to meet YOUR objectives, needs and desired outcomes. Once a program that has been designed for you, we can then repeat for another group of participants if you like. Before repeating, we would use your feedback and evaluation of the original program to modify the next session.

How far in advance should we book a training?
cultural bridges to justice trainings are generally scheduled 6 to 18 months in advance. This allows time for the sponsoring group to arrange for registration of sufficient participants and make all logistical arrangements.  We can sometimes accommodate a more immediate need, if the right training team for your program is available, so don’t hesitate to call and ask if we have an opening.

Is there a maximum or minimum number of participants for training programs?
The number of participants (max or min) varies with the program presented.  As a general rule, most workshop formats work best with between 18 and 36 participants. Some workshops are limited only by the size of the training space. Keynotes or other lecture formats have no limit.  Many of the specific PROGRAMS described on this site suggest a group size.

How much do trainings cost?
cultural bridges to justice offers a sliding scale for all non-profits. The sponsoring organization selects within the sliding scale the training fee they can best afford. Groups whose budget permits them to pay above the bottom of the scale, allows our trainers to take on clients with smaller budgets. The fee scale is somewhat dependent on type of program (workshop? lecture?), number of days, size of group, etc. so please contact us for specific cost information for the program you are seeking. Please, see the BOOKING page for more information.

What kind of space is needed for a training?
The logistical needs vary greatly from program to program, and are also dependent of size of group and length of training. Please, refer to LOGISTICS for information on space needs, accessibility, lighting and other planning details. Please, contact us if your question is not answered there.

How long are cbtj trainings?
The number of hours for workshops vary greatly, from half day to multiple days. Keynotes may be 30 minutes to a few hours in length. Groups may choose to schedule workshops in shorter sessions spread out during the month / year. We will work with you to provide training for different work shifts if needed.  Your objectives and needs will determine the length of any program.

Who can use cbtj materials?
Any materials written materials produced by cbtj trainers are available for use by anyone or any group at no charge. We only ask that appropriate credit and contact information for cbtj be listed when the materials are duplicated. Materials written by other authors are available for reading on this site. If you wish to duplicate, please contact the specific author for permission.  Contact information for these authors is listed at the end of their article.

Can I attend a training as an individual or do I have to belong to a group who is sponsoring a training? Can someone or a small team from our organization attend a workshop before we commit to sponsoring a training?
Yes. While most cbtj training programs are designed for a particular organization or a coalition of organizations who share common missions, we will work with you to find an “open” workshop (one that is not closed to participants outside their organization.) We do present many community-based programs that are open to individuals or a small team from an organization.

Does cultural bridges to justice offer a Training of Trainers?
Yes. Some Training of Trainers (ToT) programs are limited to members of the sponsoring group or coalition, and participants are chosen by the organization to meet their mission needs.  Every few years cbtj sponsors its own ToT for participants who have completed one or more of our training programs. You can CONTACT US for more information on attending a ToT.