Booking a Training or Keynote

We are very proud of and confident in our programs. However, we don’t believe you should hire us – or any other justice trainers – just by looking at a web site, a brochure or even training materials.

We know there are many individuals and organizations offering training on cultural diversity, inclusiveness, managing diversity, or cultural competence. We want you to find the best fit for your organization – even if it isn’t cultural bridges to justice.

Before you hire us, you should know…

  • Our programs are not focused on increasing, “managing” or even “celebrating” diversity, but rather on confronting the systemic oppressions, personally and within our organizations or institutions.
  • We work for justice and believe in dismantling oppression.
  • We believe change is a process not an event.
  • We work from a feminist analysis.
  • We work interactively with the participants in the room, not on the web.
  • We are low tech – on purpose.
  • We know this work is challenging, but can also be fun.
  • We need your active partnership in designing the justice workshop or keynote that meets YOUR organization’s objectives and desired outcomes.
  • cultural bridges to justice trainers are generally booked 6 to 18 months in advance. Our calendar is in constant flux, so please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested in planning a training. We can often hold tentative dates for a month or two as you organize your event.

On this site you will find our training philosophy in the Context and Need, Principles and Practice, and our Working Assumptions. We invite you to review our Programs and read through some of the Testimonials from past clients. We would be glad to connect you to past program sponsors for a recommendation. We have also provided a list of Planning Questions that you may want to consider as you develop your justice training or keynote.

If you like what you see here, please contact us. We would love to work with you.